MCS on the web -- Resource List

Including CFS, Gulf War Syndrome, Pesticides, and Indoor Air Quality (3 pp. total)

Compiled by Richard Fox -- send corrections to:

MCS information, resources, and networking

Indoor Air Quality Sites and Resources


Gulf War Syndrome

Government Information Sites

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information Sites

MCS information, resources, and networking

Health & Environment Resource Center

Easy to navigate, wide ranging info and links about MCS and related topics

H&ERC's primary mission is to inform the public on the relationship between environment and health through articles, newsgroups, publications, and one-on-one correspondence.

MCS Referral & Resources

Professional outreach, patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, and prevention of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Disorders

Washington State MCS Network

Another good resource with a lot of information and links

North Carolina's Chemical Injury Network Site

A very complete listing of information, links to other groups, and resources

Chemical Injury Information Network

An organization which is well known for publishing the Our Toxic Times monthly newsletter since the early 1990's.

Kentucky MCS group
Information site, with a personal touch and a lot of links to other sites and appropriate information

Fragranced Product Information Network Compiled by Betty Bridges, RN

Grass roots effort to educate on the chemicals used and the health effects of fragranced products. This is a no frill site with emphasis on information.

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Indoor Air Quality Sites and Resources

Safe Schools Projectby Irene Wilkenfeld

Information to help understand the problem of indoor air quality in our nation's schools.

Green Living (a service of Enviro Link)

A site which has a lot of info to understand various aspects and resources for living in a cleaner indoor environment -- everything from the heating system to the bedding.

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PACE -- Protect All Children's Environment

Information resource and advocacy group relating to pesticides

National Pesticide Telecommunications Network

U.S. Govt. and Oregon State University site with detailed info about pesticides and related issues.

RedHen Online

Resource on pesticide injuries and lawsuits, with links to toxicology and other related resources, compiled by someone who has been there.

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Gulf War Syndrome

Gulf War Veteran Resource Page.

Info and links for Gulf War Syndrome since 1994. Complete listing of links to info, groups, etc. Some links may not be current.

National Gulf War Resource Center

Lots of medical articles available for review

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Government Information Sites

NIEHS -- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences home page
EPA's Indoor Air Quality Home Page

Learn about Indoor Air Quality from the same folks who did next to nothing about the toxic carpet problem until 26 Attorney's General sued. Actually has some good info.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information Sites

David Axford's M.E./CFS site

Considered by some to be the world's best CFS site. Thoughtful articles and analysis of the medical information and theories, and related topics

RESCIND-- Repeal Existing Stereotypes about Chronic, Immune and Neurological Diseases

Excellent, packed-full site with info on CFS, Fibro, Gulf War, MCS, and other conditions, govt. attitudes, awareness campaigns, lots of articles and links

Co-Cure --Communicate and Cooperate for a Cure

One of the most well known CFS/FMS sites, an "information exchange forum"

Ward's CFS Info Site

A site primarily for physicians and others interested in medical articles and detailed info relating to CFS. Articles are sorted by topic.

Medical Bibliography, organized by category, of published CFS-related medical articles

approx. 80 articles by title and journal; no links

Chronic Syndrome Support Association

Primarily set up for Fibromyalgia Syndrome, aslo has a lot of links relating to CFS, MCS, GWS, alternative health care. Also has a printable brochure about FMS emphasizing similarity between all of these conditions.

CFS Radio Show Transcripts

Weekly radio show with top experts doing the most current research. Transcripts available for many previous shows.

Lisa Lorden's Chronic Fatigue Guide

Much information and links

British Columbia Fibromyalgia Society

Education and links related to FMS

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This page is maintained by Health & Environment Resource Center.
Last updated 3/20/99

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