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         About H&ERC


         Activist Projects


         ATSDR Responses






        The Wall of Personal




Earth Angels Association/Health & Environment Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

H&ERC's primary mission is to inform the public on the relationship between environment and health through articles, newsgroups, publications, and one-on-one correspondence. 
  • Have a question about the health effects of a product you use in your home (i.e. cleaning products, pesticides/insecticides, personal care products, paints and related products, etc.)?  
  • Wonder if there is a less toxic substitute for products used around the home?  
  • Looking for steps you can take to improve the health and well-being of yourself and your family?  
Send your question to Andi DesJardins at and receive a response back via e-mail. 

Are you an Environmental Health Activist or Advocate? Health & Environment Resource Center is compiling a list a people and organizations active in environmental health issues. Please drop a line to Enviroknow with a description of yourself, your organization (if applicable) and your activities.

H&ERC accepts tax deductible donations in support of our mission. For information on contributing, please contact Enviroknow

About H&ERC

Andi's Story
Abstracts on the relationship between environment and health from peer-reviewed articles

Activist Projects

Responses to the Interagency Report on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Updated 12/17/98
Irene Wilkenfeld
Bonnye Matthews
Sharon Waschler
Richard Fox
Don Paladin
Dr. Ann McCampbell
...And more

The Wall of Personal Testimony


Sweet Poison: What Your Nose Can't Tell You About the Dangers of Perfume
Sweet Poison
Making Sense of Scents
The Health Risks of Twenty Most Common Chemicals Found in Fragrance Products
Fabric Softeners = Health Risks
Adverse Fragrance Reaction? Inform the FDA!
Selected Abstracts of Perfume Information

Overview of the Science Behind The Use of Sewage Sludge Fertilizers

Environmental Health Perspectives article: Scents and Sensitivity

Scientific American: Feature Article: Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants


MCS on the web -- Resource List Compiled by Richard Fox


IAQ2000 Write list owner for more information
Family Support List
Bookstore and Non-Toxic Products
We are an Amazon.Com bookstore associate.  When you enter Amazon.Com through our link, a portion of your purchases will go to support Health & Environment Resource Center.


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